Friday, August 19, 2005

Piracy is bad mmmkay

So, those of you who've been to the cinema recently have probably seen the amazing new anti piracy advert. It starts like a trailer for the Fantastic Four, but stops and says something along the lines of "The cinema isn't the only place people will be watching this film when it is released; some people will choose to watch it on an illegal DVD, the picture will be smaller, the sound tinny and THE VIEW WILL BE OBSTRUCTED BY ANYONE WHO STANDS UP DURING THE MOVIE"

Well it's fucking lucky I came to the cinema instead because that never happens at the cinema, no siree, I didn't go and see Crash and have some moron stand up 10 minutes before the end and hover about in front of me, and don't even get me started about the number of weak bladdered people who went to see Bad News Bears last night. I mean if you can't go 2 hours without having to leave and go to the toilet then choosing a seat at the end of an aisle down near the front is the least you can do.

I think a new trailer is in order something along the lines of "The cinema isn't the only place people will be watching this film months before it's UK release, some people will choose to download a high quality screener from the internet; the sound will be good, the picture clear and there won't be people talking through the film and getting up all the time to go to the bloody toilet."

On a serious note though, piracy is wrong, don't do it, go to the cinema and put up with the morons instead.


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