Tuesday, July 19, 2005

A costly incentive?

It seems that the Government have just gone plain crazy, at one time obeying the laws of the land and not being a little shit was expected of young people, but now it appears that those few who choose to live as responsible members of society are to be rewarded for what I always presumed was the correct way to behave.

Yesterday, the Government was talking about free vouchers for kids to give them access to cinemas and other activities in exchange for not getting into trouble with the police, now council officials in Fraserburgh are giving out vouchers for kids who are seen putting their litter in a bin. I mean come on, kids getting rewardedfor not littering! Putting rubbish in a bin is something a five year old should know to do, to me it seems a sad day when even the most basic of normal respectable behaviour requires an incentive for the youth of today to get them to do it.

What next? Tax breaks for those of us who manage a whole year without breaking into houses; stealing cars or stabbing people in the street, after all these are far serious crimes than littering, so if not littering should be rewarded, maybe not doing these should be to.


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