Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Scottish Executive Individual Learning Account

Ace, the Scottish Executive have a new scheme where adults can get a £100 a year towards learning new skills. According to their website:

"ILA Scotland is a Scottish Executive scheme that will help you pay for learning you want to do. It’s available for anyone aged 18 or over and living in Scotland."

Cool, I want to learn Japanese so maybe I can get £100 off the £300 I'll have to spend on Japanese lessons ...

... or not ... further down the page ...

"With an individual learning account you will be able to claim up to £100 a year to put towards a range of courses to build your computer skills."

OK, so it's towards what you want to do; as long as what you want to do is build your computer skills. That's cool, maybe I can do a course in advanced Perl or MySQL or C or Games Programming or something ...

... A quick search later for courses reveal that there is absolutely sod all courses which would build my computer skills; and of the ones which wouldn't very few are in Edinburgh. OK, so I realise I'm taking the piss a bit, this initiative is obviously not aimed at Computer Science Graduates, but if you are going to offer the money to everyone, why limit it down to only computer related skills.

I'm all up for offering subsidised training to help individuals improve their skills, but the help should be targeted at those who need it and not just offered willy nilly to everyone with big generic promises to make it sound good.


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