Thursday, December 15, 2005

BBC News: Have Your say part I

Why are so many people on the BBC News have your say site completely unreasonable and post so much sillyness. You can't reply in person to their comments, so I'm gonna start doing so here. First up a bunch of people who like nothing more than to say that people that are interested in computer games have no life and owning an XBOX 360 means you do nothing other than play it all day.

Do you have an Xbox 360?

No, and since I have a life I won't be getting one.

Julian H, Crawley, United Kingdom

Glad to see that life you have includes spending time reading a discussion about a console you don't want and then posting a statement which has no input other than to put down other people you don't even know.

Sad people. They must have such tiny, uninteresting lives, if all they can contemplate doing is sitting playing silly games all day.
More fattie couch potatoes I think!!

Ken Thompson, United Kingdom

Yeh, we could be doing so much better things like surfing the net looking for an online discussion we can flame. Not every XBOX 360 owner is going to play it all day every day.

No. I don't have one, I don't want one, I don't need one.

I have a full, busy life and wouldn't WANT the time to sit playing on x-boxes/playstations or anything like that.

I'm out there - LIVING LIFE!!! :-)

Happily_Married_Lady, United Kingdom

So presumably you don't do anything with your time which is for the sole purpose of entertainment or enjoyment, no reading books, no watching movies, no going for walk. If this is true I wouldn't want your life much either; if you do waste time doing activities which have no purpose other than to entertain you maybe you could realise that different people enjoy spending their time doing different things.

Is this the second coming of Christ? GET REAL!! It's a games console!!!

Then we wonder why we have the society we are lumbered with...

koshmar2005, Elgin, United Kingdom

I'm sure all of societies problems are caused by people who are passionate about something they enjoy spending their free time doing. If anything, getting our youth addicted to computer games keeps them off the streets mugging old ladies.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

XBOX 360 Awesomeness

So I'm playing PGR3 on my new XBOX 360 last night when this happens:

The screen is all garbled, bright colours flashing everywhere, the HUD still intact with a rather amazing improvised noise soundtrack in the background.

I think I've played the XBOX for maybe 15 hours in total since I got it and hadn't had any problems till last night, I'm sure it's not a heat issue as neither 360 or PSU were particularly hot and I'd just started playing about 10 minutes beforehand.

I can recreate the bug by playing the same level with the same car and streaming "Angel's don't kill" by Children of Bodom from my iPod. Just hope the console's not screwed royally :(

Monday, December 12, 2005

200 Film target reached!

Woohoo, last night after watching the amazing Young and Dangerous 2 and Young and Dangerous 3 I hit my target of 200 films watched and reviewed for the year. The full list is available at There's some good films there and some terrible films as well. It was a bit touch and go in October, I didn't think I was gonna make it but after a super 33 films in November it all came through good. Now I just need a suitable challenge for next year, 300 films perhaps :)