Monday, December 07, 2009

Time Trumpet

Originally shown on the BBC in 2006, I had never heard of this series from Thick of It creator Armando Iannucci until Amazon recommended it to me. It sounded pretty good so I took a punt and it payed off.

Set in 2031, it's basically a satire of these horrible TV shows you get where a group of celebrities talk about the top 50 movies or the top 50 events of the noughties etc. It consists of people ostensibly from 2031 looking back at events in the years shortly following 2006 and talking about things that happened then. These events include both current affairs based things like winning the war on terror and the time Tesco invaded Denmark as well as celebrity based things like the time Charlotte Church vomited herself inside out.

The talking heads are interspersed with fake footage and interviews from "fake" versions of our celebrities (e.g. old versions of Ant and Dec). The setup is quite good and there is a lot of really funny material in there. Some of it misses the mark and the 5th episode seemed a bit weak, but there are some comedy gems to be found in there.

Overall, really worth watching and probably something which will make less sense as time goes on, so watch it soon.


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Anonymous Alistair Low said...

I've only seen one or two episodes but Armando Iannucci has the Midas touch. The Tesco bit is brilliant, and the Prince Harry bits.

9:51 PM  

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