Wednesday, August 08, 2007


More free Fringe tickets, and this time Rosie won them in a competition at work :) Last night we went to see Fuerzabruta, I couldn't find much information about the show on the net after a quick search so didn't really know what to expect. We turned up at Ocean Terminal in Leith, were a huge black tent has been erected. After initially going into a smaller bar tent which was pretty funky but pricey, we were finally ushered into the main tent.

The entire show is standing and as we stood in the middle of the floor of this huge tent, lit only by red lights and slowly filling with dry ice the anticipation was killing me. Finally once a suitable number of people had been crammed in, the lights went out and the show began. Starting with a man on stage running on a conveyer belt, it seemed like he was getting closer to us, which was when I realised the whole thing was being moved out into the centre of the crowd.

The show is designed in such a way that the action takes place in the crowd, as different parts come and go, you have to move around to make way for the gadgets and gizmos they bring in. Saying much more about the content will probably spoil it for anyone who wants to go, but I'll sum it up by saying it's a bit like a cross between a rave, a circus, being in a movie and a big stage show. Smoke, dust, water, blood packs and even a dance number make for something unique and unforgettable.

The only reason I wouldn't 100% recommend it is that full price tickets are a little expensive at £25 each, but aside from that, Fuerzabruta is an amazing experience.


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