Sunday, August 09, 2009

The Thick of It

I hadn't heard of this BBC comedy until I saw In the Loop in the cinema. In the Loop is pretty much The Thick of It: The Film.

I picked up the first series on DVD, typically for British comedies, it only runs to 6 episodes. The series follows Hugh Abbot, a minister at the department of Social Affairs. He is bewildered and out of his depth, trying to do the best job he can in his position. The series follows him and his aides as he deals with one PR disaster after another, constantly having run-ins with Malcom Tucker, the angry, swearing, Scot whose job it is to ensure that members of the cabinet don't gather bad press coverage.

Overall, I didn't find it quite as funny as In the Loop, but it was still hilarious in places. The documentary style camera work is a little off-putting, but does add to the effect.

All in all, a series worth watching if you haven't seen it already.

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